• 克拉拉和亚历杭德罗准备搬新家,可是亚历杭德罗正好去出差,留下她一个人呆着,被搬家的纸盒子包围。这种混乱不堪的环境迫使她尝试新的生活体验,她开始质疑这个世界的封闭和束缚。
  • Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.
  • Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Barbara now has to get accustomed to doing household chores and act as a nanny for her sponsor, a stern Sheryll (Kathy-Ann Hart). While Talia who is defiant and free spirited is staying with a patriotic and conservative couple. These two girls befriend Brad (David James), an American flight attendant who loves Brazil and Lucas (Bruno Montaleone), a Brazilian who works at Ski Station. A ski resort not far from Woodstock, NY. Despite difficulties, these friends find love and friendship while living unforgettable moments.
  • 弗朗西斯和克劳迪娅是一对好朋友,他是一个律师,她是一个兽医。他们之间无话不谈,直到约翰的出现。克劳迪娅决定嫁给约翰,这时候弗朗西斯才发现自己对克劳迪娅的感情不仅仅是友情。
  • 影片情节设置在一个叫作天堂谷的虚构国度,一个男人叫做亚当卓别林的故事。亚当在他的妻子死后发现她的死因非常可疑,于是他开始调查妻子的死,之后他发现妻子的死和当地的黑帮老大丹尼理查兹有关。但是警察对黑帮老大无可奈何,因为他拥有颠倒是非黑白的能力。被仇恨占据了的亚当,召唤了一个拥有超人的黑暗力量的恶魔。恶魔跟随亚当出行,并承诺将带亚当找到凶手,但是前提条件是亚当必须按照他说法去行事。这一边,丹尼理查兹也让他两个残暴的儿子本和德里克,以及他的雇佣杀手们去对付亚当。血腥的战斗一触即发。
  • Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.
  • 一名男子在头部受到撞击后醒来,却发现自己不仅身处1927 年,还跟臭名昭著的强盗头子长得一模一样,于是决定好好利用这个机会。